Thursday, December 27, 2007

Night Range

CAMP FALLUJAH, IRAQ - On December 21, 2007 MASS-1 had a Night Range, during which Marines got familiar with their M-16's and Night Vision Goggles (NVGs). Its not particularly simple to shoot using NVGs. First, you should also use a PAQ-2 Infrared Aiming Device, which illuminates the target with an infrared beam that is very easily seen with NVGs and not by the human eye.

Here are some of the pictures that I was able to get.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

30 Days!!!!

This is it! 30 days remain until we are on our way out of Iraq, and on our way back to the good ol' USA!!! Awww.... No sand, Best Buy, HD Television, Mexican food, Italian food, and Super Bowl!!!! Wow can't wait.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Rain in the desert

CAMP FALLUJAH, IRAQ - Lightning was striking and rain was a falling in the desert of Iraq. Amazing. The first rain of the deployment so far, and we've been here 5 months... and people say it doesn't rain in San Diego! It's rains much less here. Click on the picture for a larger view of the picture.

Chieftain Run

CAMP FALLUJAH, IRAQ - The 11th Annual MASS-1 Chieftain Run, was held this past week; Nov 28 & 29. The Chieftain Run is in remembrance of two MASS-1 Marines who were killed to no fault of their own.

The first Chieftain Run was held to honor the memory of Cpl Hill who was killed in a motor vehicle accident in 1996. The Marines of MASS-1 conduct a 24-hour relay - signifying the mission of the MASS takes everyone to do their small part.
The second Marine honored by the Chieftain Run is SSgt Bryson. SSgt Bryson was murdered in the apartment of a friend in March 2006, after returning from his latest deployment to Iraq one month prior. His murder is still unsolved and being investigated by the Craven County Sheriff's Department.

More pictures of the Chieftain Run are available to view on Flickr. <<>